I thought they were supposed to be smart

It’s a lovely day here in Winnipeg. The temperature is a brisk 12 degrees Celsius. The wind is heading in a North-Easterly direction at 5 mph. I’m getting word that any minute now we should see them, right on time as usual. The crowd has fallen silent in anticipation and–wait…I think I see something…yes, HERE COME THE GEESE!

Introducing WTMA’s first mandatory Caption Contest!  Can you come up with a better title than me?  No, but you still have try…or else.  Just remember to have fun with it and none of your loved ones will get hurt.  That’s the WTMA promise!

The winner will receive freedom from tyranny and oppression. Offer void in my basement.

Vas te faire encule je suis vieux [Fuck you I’m old].

Don’t worry, I keep an extra in the back seat.



Its funny until he has to pay child support

Gotta side with Vader on this one

Knock em out the box

From TigSource:

The beta will be available via Steam from March 1, and you can sign up for a beta key right now via the Dino D-Day site, Facebook and Twitter. The full release will then happen on March 29. Visit the official site for all the goss.

Don’t laugh, he’s clearly retarted

Preview into the world from tomorrow

In the future you will watch cartoons about the future:

Them dry bones

It doesn’t count unless you watch the whole thing

So I says to the guy… I says…

Koto + Kelly = Cosmic Connection

krauserowns94: and afterwards some robbers went into his tomb and burned his body and he sat up while in the fire. He was like Jesus only better.

And a critique From Touching the Void:
