Anyone else remember this?

The opening theme to “Square One

A damn good show with some interesting ideas – for example there was MathMan, the PacMan ripoff who had to eat the right numbers or he’d get eaten by a surly tornado.  Then there was Mathnet, a show about two detectives with calculators in their holsters (occassionally drawn but never fired) who solve crimes with math.

I really loved that show…but then the number 9 raped me.

Enjoy the video:

Let’s see Copperfield do this

I can name that movie in 30 seconds

Snakes on a Plane:

Brokeback Mountain:

If I could warp space-time, I’d look talented too

Mike, they caught us on camera

Over on break.

You won’t feel very Zen by level 20

“Loops of Zen”:

When crack rocks intersect invention

The live horse would be thinking of another horse,” said Smith, “and before he could discover his error and see that he had been fooled, the strange carriage would be passed.

Horsey Horseless at Time Magazine’s 50 Worst Cars of All Time.

Mega Man DOS

First attempt:

Second attempt (Switched to VGA):


Uh, WTFx0rs??

Over at asylum.

Right now? Now? Starting now?

He will be consumed for his insolence.

…and a good day to you too, sir.

Lost in Translation:

There’s a first time for everything

South Africa has a new sitcom called “The Coconuts“.

So, why “coconuts”?
“Coconut” is an urban slang term used to describe black people who act “white” – it literally means black on the outside and white on the inside. However, the Coconuts, in the case of this sitcom, are not ‘white-acting’ black people, but a family of white people – the Greenes – who become trapped in black bodies thanks to offending an old man and some ancestors of the little known Zulotho tribe of South Africa.

Read more about the show, or go check out some clips.

History in the making, people.

Stephen Hawking says, “Don’t do drugs!”

Keen as mustard?

LeMons Overalanyzed Updated for Toledo / Detroitish 2008

Yes, once again I have update the 24 Hours of Lemons analysis I have been doing.

To see the most recent results check the LeMons Overanalyzed page.

After the 2008 Toledo race the statistics look as follows (the images on this page won’t be updated in the future):

Performance by Country

Performance by Country

Performance by Make

Performance by Make

Performance by Model

Performance by Model