
Science wins




Note to self: become friends with this guy (sorry Mike)

Burn it with fire


I never knew angels could fly so high

We Stopped Dreaming

I’m not saying a thing


Oh everyone look at me I’m so cool I’m in space.

Oh, that is so cool.

24 miles to go

**thaat** close dude

Good morning

‘Superman IV: The Quest for Alan Smithee’

This deleted scene from an earlier script shows us how lucky we were to have Nuclear Man as our antagonist:

wtf is a dubalow?

And where are my flying cars? Back to the Future led me to believe we would have flying cars by now!

This is what I’m talking about

I do a similar dance, but that just means I have to pee

I wonder if Japanese nightmares are like American movies

so good, you can’t berieve