The still looks like shit, ok?


Steph gave students the source code for a simple Breakout game (made with Processing) and had them modify the code to create something new. Most of the students were graphic design majors and not game developers, but they managed to make some cool mods during the workshop.

Vimeo via TigSource.

Tlaxcalteca likey, Tlaxcalteca likey alot

It must be awesome to be an Aztec god and come home after a hard day’s work to find the villagers have burned this virgin alive and she’s sitting there on your cloud all “Well, hello there.”

Dos and Donts over at Vice.

Before you look, get a bucket

The rest are much worse.

The rest are much worse.

One of the many reasons I’m not into running.

11 more over at theChive.

Its a silly place